Why choose Frontend Mentor for Teams?

Improve your team’s coding skills faster through project-based learning. Frontend Mentor for Teams provides industry-standard practice projects to help your developers clock up hours of relevant coding experience in a risk-free environment.

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Speed up skill development with realistic projects

Real projects for real growth

  • Project-based learning: Skip passive tutorials and dive straight into coding with over 100 industry-standard projects.
  • All experience levels: From beginners to seasoned developers, our projects range from single components to full-stack web applications.
  • Experimentation encouraged: Allow your developers to explore new tools and workflows in a risk-free environment.

Why it matters

Our projects help your developers put theory into practice in a risk-free environment and at a level that suits them.

Maintain consistent coding standards

Close the skill gaps in your team through deliberate practice

  • Realistic projects: Our projects mimic real-world situations meaning your developers gain experience solving everyday problems.
  • Skill leveling: Quickly onboard new developers and bring them up to speed with the rest of the team
  • Flexible learning paths: Developers can choose projects that align with their interests and your team’s needs.

Why it matters

Flexible paths using industry-standard projects mean you can onboard new developers faster than ever to bring them up to speed.

Engage with a vibrant community

Have our community support your developers

  • Active community: Access a global network of developers ready to offer support, feedback, and mentorship.
  • Peer learning: Encourage your team to learn from and mentor others, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Community recognition: Showcase your team’s culture for continuous improvement through community engagement.

Why it matters

Being part of an active developer community accelerates learning through shared knowledge, peer feedback, and networking opportunities that can benefit your entire team.

Simplify team management

Tools designed with teams in mind

  • Easy onboarding: Effortlessly add or remove team members as your team evolves.
  • Unified billing: Simplify accounting with a single annual invoice for your entire team
  • Progress tracking: Monitor your team’s development and identify areas for improvement.

Why it matters

Team management tools make it easy for you to adapt as your team evolves while keeping your accounts department happy with a single annual bill.

Enhance your brand presence

Promote your brand while your team members learn

  • Company visibility: Promote your brand whenever your team members engage on the Frontend Mentor platform.
  • Talent attraction: Showcase your company culture to a community of potential recruits.
  • Marketing integration: Leverage the platform for brand building, promoting career opportunities, and advertising your company within our community.

Why it matters

A strong brand presence on Frontend Mentor helps attract talent, increases your company’s visibility, and creates valuable marketing opportunities within our developer community.

Our approach to project-based learning makes us different

While other platforms focus on passive learning through tutorials, Frontend Mentor for Teams emphasizes active skill application through project-based learning. This helps developers retain knowledge and gain real-world experience faster.

Ready to transform your team's development skills?

Experience the difference that hands-on, project-based learning can make.

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