Help your apprentices build practical coding skills

Ensure your apprentices become productive sooner. Frontend Mentor for Teams offers hands-on projects that show them what it’s really like to build websites and apps on the job.

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The challenge

Helping apprentices get up to speed

Sound familiar?
  • Long ramp-up times

    New apprentices can take a while to feel confident, which slows down your team.

  • Different skill levels

    It’s hard to keep everyone on the same page when each person comes in with a different background.

  • Consistent best practices

    As you add more apprentices, making sure they follow the same coding standards can be tricky.

Our solution

Real projects, real learning

Hands-on from day one

  • Dive right in: Apprentices start working on real-world projects right away, so they quickly learn how your tools and workflows come together.
  • Learning by coding: Practical tasks help them grasp new concepts much faster than just watching tutorials.
  • Tailored to each person: Pick projects based on skill level—nobody gets bored, and nobody gets lost.

Steady progress throughout the apprenticeship

  • Keep learning: With more than 100 projects, apprentices can continue to challenge themselves and grow their skills.
  • Experiment safely: Let them try new frameworks or techniques on practice projects before moving to production code.
  • Community support: They can reach out to other developers in our friendly community for tips, ideas, and encouragement.

Why apprenticeship programs trust Frontend Mentor for Teams

  • A large selection of projects

    • Over 100 realistic tasks From simple pages to more complex apps, give apprentices experience that mirrors real client work.
    • Everything they need Each project comes with design files, briefs, and style guides, so your apprentices can focus on coding, not setup.
  • Simple management

    • Quick onboarding Easily add apprentices to your team. They get full access to all challenges right away.
    • One simple payment Pay just once per year for your whole apprenticeship group, keeping budgeting easy.
  • Supportive community

    • Peer learning Apprentices can share what they build with thousands of other developers, picking up fresh ideas and advice.
    • Guidance from experienced devs Senior engineers and mentors on the platform can give targeted feedback when apprentices need extra help.
  • Showcase your brand

    • Stand out as a trainer Show the community you invest in real-world learning by displaying your company’s branding on the platform.
    • Attract eager learners Highlight your commitment to hands-on training and draw motivated apprentices to your program.

How it works

Sign up your team

Create an account and invite your apprentices. They’ll immediately gain access to all our Pro features.

Assign projects

Choose challenges that fit each apprentice’s goals and your current tech stack.

Track progress

See what your apprentices are building, where they shine, and where they need extra guidance.

Join the community

Encourage them to share work, ask questions, and learn from other developers around the world.

Ready to help your apprentices grow into skilled developers?

Give them the hands-on practice they need to build confidence and produce quality work.

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