Give your interns real-world coding experience
Help your interns learn by doing. Frontend Mentor for Teams offers hands-on projects that show them what it’s really like to build websites and apps on the job.
Create a team accountGetting interns up to speed
Sound familiar?Extended onboarding
Interns often spend weeks getting comfortable with your tools and processes, delaying their impact on projects.
Mixed experience levels
Interns come from different programs and backgrounds, making it tough to ensure everyone has the same skills.
Maintaining standards
As the number of interns grows, keeping code quality and best practices consistent gets harder.
Real projects, real learning

Hands-on from day one
- Jump right in: Interns begin with real-world challenges that mimic the work they’ll do in your company, speeding up the learning curve.
- Learning by coding: Practical tasks reinforce concepts better than watching lectures, helping interns build confidence.
- Match their skill level: Choose challenges suited to each intern’s background so nobody feels bored or overwhelmed.

Ongoing growth during the internship
- Keep sharpening skills: With over 100 projects available, interns can keep learning and leveling up throughout the program.
- Safe place to experiment: Let them try out new tools or techniques in a controlled environment before applying them to production code.
- Support from the community: Interns can ask questions and get feedback from a wide network of developers, expanding their knowledge base.
Why companies trust Frontend Mentor for Teams
Extensive project library
- Realistic tasks From simple websites to more complex apps, these challenges mirror what interns will face on the job.
- Resources included Each project comes with a brief, design files, and style guides so interns can focus on building instead of setup.
Easy team setup
- Quick onboarding Add all your interns to the team at once, giving them instant access to every challenge.
- Simple payment A single annual fee covers every intern, cutting out confusion and making budgeting straightforward.
Helpful community
- Peer learning Your interns can share their solutions with fellow developers, picking up tips and tricks along the way.
- Expert feedback Experienced members and mentors on the platform can offer guidance when interns hit snags.
Show off your brand
- Highlight your company By listing your brand on the platform, you can stand out as a company that invests in hands-on intern development.
- Attract driven candidates Prove your commitment to real-world training, drawing ambitious interns who value practical experience.
How it works

1Create your team account
Sign up and invite your interns. They can start right away with all Pro features.
2Assign projects
Pick challenges that align with your interns’ skill levels and your technology stack.
3Track progress
See what each intern builds and where they might need extra help.
4Join the community
Encourage interns to share work, ask questions, and learn from others across the globe.
Ready to help your interns become confident, capable developers?
Give them the practical, hands-on experience that fast-tracks their growth.
Create a team account